Easter Pack
Take all WeDo 2.0 Easter projects by LegoSmarties with a 20% discount !
WeDo Flag Bearer Tsolias
Build multiple models to make a tsolias parade!
WeDo Raising Flag
A special project deticated to all our Greek Fans!
Little Chicken
Watch the Little Chicken back to the egg that opens and close!
Smart Bunny
It runs to eat carrots but when it is in danger to falls down stops!!!
Walking Bunny
The Bunny walks moving its legs and hands
Basketball Game
We love this game! Build a model to score baskets or combine two models to play basketball!

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About LegoSmarties

LegoSmarties is a team of experienced teachers in Robotics Education.
Using the Official LEGO Education Wedo 2.0 core set, we design prototype WeDo 2.0 projects.
We have also implemented and tested, a large number of WeDo 2.0 projects found in the NET. In many cases, we made the appropriate corrections to make the projects been more stable and also been buildable using one (1) Official LEGO Education Wedo 2.0 core set. 
Step by Step instructions and Program Code (WeDo and Scratch in some cases) have designed, producing a single PDF file that contains all information needed to implement and program each project.
We decide to share our experience and our WeDo 2.0 projects to help new teachers have a variety of lessons to teach in their classrooms.

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